Terms & Conditions

1. Facility Usage
Burn83 Gym welcomes individuals to use the facilities responsibly during operating hours.
Proper gym etiquette, respect for staff, and consideration for other gym users are expected.

2. Health and Safety
It is the responsibility of individuals to ensure they are in good health before engaging in physical activities at the gym.
Consultation with a medical professional is recommended before starting any fitness program.

3. Personal Belongings
Burn83 Gym is not responsible for the loss or theft of personal belongings. Please use lockers provided.
Valuables should not be left unattended.

4. Code of Hygiene
Members are required to maintain personal hygiene standards. Proper workout attire and clean shoes are mandatory.
Towels must be used on gym equipment and benches.

5. Changes to Terms
Burn83 Gym reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions. Users will be notified of any changes in advance.

6. Termination of Usage
Burn83 Gym reserves the right to terminate usage for individuals violating these terms or engaging in disruptive behavior.

7. Governing Law
By using the facilities at Burn83 Gym, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to these terms and conditions.